7th Art Independent International Film Festival is envisaged by the multiple state, national, and international award-winning filmmaker Venu Nair. It is an international live screening yearly film festival with an annual Gala event envisioned to push the boundaries of filmmaking.

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”
                                                                               Gandalf, Lord of the Rings

Our Mission

7thArt Independent International Film Festival is an international live-screening film festival with an annual gala event envisaged to push the boundaries of filmmaking. Our aim is to promote filmmakers with a unique vision by showcasing it to a large audience. Getting recognition is increasingly difficult for independent filmmakers in this world of the content boom, which is why our mission is to carefully consider and select a wide range of films and present them to the indie film-loving crowd. We are dedicated to the exhibition and preservation of independent films. We showcase the art and power of storytelling worldwide and gather communities to share diverse cultures, viewpoints, and conversations.

The selected works will be screened and the winners will be awarded digital laurels, certificates, and trophies.  Our annual gala event will be held at Mar Ivanios College, Thiruvananthapuram from 19th to 21st September 2023.  The winners shall be bestowed with the award at the gala event and each winning film shall also receive a trophy and a citation as well. 

We support and nurture emerging independent filmmakers and their stories from around the world. We build a trusted community of filmmakers interested in making a difference.

We introduce the work of risk-taking storytellers and filmmakers. We challenge ourselves to discover and develop independent artists and audiences. We are a platform for artists to present their works to the global audiences.


7th Art Independent International Film Festival wants to help indie filmmakers find success by celebrating their achievements with a plethora of different awards. We embrace innovation and diversity to inspire excellence.